8 Aug
8 Aug
4:48 p.m.
On 8 Aug 2001 15:04:24 -0500, "Trei, Peter" <ptrei@rsasecurity.com> wrote:
Over 20-30 DVDs I've seen none *forced* you to watch the trailers - they have always been part of the 'extra features' stuff off the main menu.
OTOH, they all *do* force you to sit through the FBI and Interpol warnings for about 15 seconds.
Some discs disable the FF button and the menu button. You can still skip the ads, but you have to skip each ad individually (with the chapter skip button). I recall usenet discussions citing 6 - 8 ads at the beginning of some discs. I do recall Disney putting out a few DVDs that really did block all attempts to skip ads, but they have since backed off on it. I suggest using google to search the newsgroup alt.video.dvd.