Tuesday, 5 September 2000 New ALP Sell-Out Completes Capitulation on Defence Amendment Bill 'Shoot to Kill Bill' set to pass the Senate with no safeguards The ALP today completed its capitulation to the Government by accepting new Government amendments to Defence Legislation Amendment (Aid to Civilian Authorities) Bill, Greens Senator Bob Brown said today. "The ALP has refused to accept Greens amendments that would guarantee troops could never be called out against a peaceful protest or industrial dispute," Senator Brown said. "On top of that they have watered down their already weak amendments. Previously the ALP amendment had said that once called out the troops could not be used unless there was 'a direct and immediate threat of death or serious injury'. These words have been replaced by "reasonable likelihood of death or serious injury". "Now, in a stunning overnight turnaround, the ALP has accepted a new government amendment that would allow troops to be used against civilians when there is 'serious damage to property'. This gives the government and military free reign to call out the troops because in almost every situation 'serious damage to property' could be envisaged. "This is a backflip on sell-out on back-down. Labor has failed to defend a century of law and convention in Australia which has prevented the Defence forces from being involved in armed conflict with civilians. "The bill will now pass into law with no sunset clause, and no real safeguard that would prevent troops being used on strikers and peaceful protestors Further information: Ben Oquist 02 62773170 or 0419704095 ---------------------------------------------- Ben Oquist Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown Parliament House, Canberra 2600 Australia +61 2 62773170 ph +61 2 62773185 fx 0419704095 mobile http://www.greens.org.au/bobbrown