Unbelievable horror? What a fucking idiot. Hiroshima Nagasaki Warsaw Finland Dresden Leningrad Moscow Perl Harbor Tokyo London Lubiyanka Prison/KGB/... Treblinka Innumerable Communist Gulag's Tiannimin Square ... On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, Lance Tomlyn wrote:
David Icke pass this on Fri Sep 14 10:29:49 2001
ALICE IN WONDERLAND AND THE WTC DISASTER IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE FORCE BEHIND THE U.S. ATROCITIES JUST ASK: WHO BENEFITS? "Nothing would be what it is, Because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise -what it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" - Alice in Wonderland. By David Icke
The force that seeks to control this world and introduce its global fascist state, the network I call the Illuminati, is nothing if not predictable.
The unbelievable horror perpetrated on the cities of New York and Washington is a problem-reaction-solution sting on the collective mind of all humanity and I have been expecting an event of this magnitude for some years. I thought it could be a war or a nuclear "terrorist" device, but something fantastic was always going to happen during the years of the Bush presidency when, as I wrote on inauguration day, the agenda would be pressed forward with a gathering pace.
-- ____________________________________________________________________ Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it. George Santyana The Armadillo Group ,::////;::-. James Choate Austin, Tx /:'///// ``::>/|/ ravage@ssz.com www.ssz.com .', |||| `/( e\ 512-451-7087 -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- --------------------------------------------------------------------