At 12:37 PM 6/29/96 -0500, Adam Shostack wrote:
Damnit, Perry, the fact that you don't like them doesn't mean we should outlaw them! :)
Perry E. Metzger wrote: | vinnie moscaritolo writes: | > >>>Mr Brooks, the piper, (...) | > >>>claims he wasn't playing a musical | > >>>instrument, but practising with a weapon! | > >>> | > >>>The imagination boggles if his claim is successful! | | No one who has heard sustained bagpipe playing can deny the fact that | bagpipes are indeed an instrument of war, with no legitimate place in | peaceful everyday society. | | Perry
Of course...when bagpipes are outlawed... -- Michael Myers Vote Libertarian....you'll sleep better! Don't like abortion? Don't have one. Don't like guns? Don't buy one. | Don't like bagpipes? Don't play one! | blackavr@aa.net E-mail for PGPv2.6.2 public key \____________ http://www.aa.net/~blackavr/homepage.htm ________________/