17 Dec
17 Dec
3:17 p.m.
Jim Choate writes:
I have a question related to Goldbach's Conjecture:
All even numbers greater than two can be represented as the sum of primes.
All even numbers greater than two can be represented as the sum of TWO primes.
Is there any work on whether odd numbers can always be represented as the sum of primes?
Goldbach originally suggested that all numbers greater than two could be expressed as the sum of three primes, if one tossed in 1 as a prime number. Euler pointed out that this was equivalent to even numbers greater than two being expressed as the sum of two primes. This seemed a somewhat cleaner formulation, and it was adopted. -- Sponsor the DES Analytic Crack Project http://www.cyberspace.org/~enoch/crakfaq.html