< We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Communications <should be designed equally and, that they are endowed by their <creators with certain unalienable technical aspects, that among these, <are Privacy, Communications Liberalism, and the pursuit of Cryptographic Please define "Communications Liberalism." Otherwise, this is a nice document. <Freedom. That, to secure these rights to publicly available crypto, <the Government which was once instituted among Men, and derived their <just powers from the consent of the governed, that, whenever any Form +-----------------------+-----------------------------+---------+ | J. Michael Diehl ;-) | I thought I was wrong once. | PGP KEY | | | But, I was mistaken. |available| | +-----------------------------+---------+ | mdiehl@triton.unm.edu | "I'm just looking for the opportunity | | mike.diehl@fido.org | to be Politically Incorrect! <Me> | | (505) 299-2282 | | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------+