Greetings, I wish to inquire where I can buy books about cryptography. If these bookstores are located somewhere in Europe then it would be a little more convenient for me, if not, then that's not too much of a problem. Thanks in advance. I'm working on my archive, although the reason why there hasn't been anything new for a while is because I'm doing preparation courses in math and physics for the Warsaw University of Technology. However, I'll have something new on there soon. The reason why there isn't anything great at the moment is because I'm a lousy worker, so I can't be rushed. I have this idea bout making a cryptography program that will encrypt pictures. I know that you can do this with PGP, but I mean it in a little different way. What I want to do is this: You have opened a picture in, ACDSee for example, and you want some of the picture only for a certain person. So you chose that part of the picture, encrypt it, and send it to the person you want. What do you guys think? Sincerely yours, Jan