There is a summary of the Canadian crypto rules, by Stewart Baker, at the Steptoe and Johnson site: http://www.steptoe.com/encryp.htm I skimmed it today and it seems that Canada is considerably more liberal. There are interesting issues regarding U.S.-originated content. Lee At 9:19 AM -0700 7/2/97, Bert-Jaap Koops wrote:
I have just updated my survey of existing and envisaged cryptography laws and regulations. See the Crypto Law Survey at http://cwis.kub.nl/~frw/people/koops/lawsurvy.htm
This update includes: - update on Australia (Walsh report), Germany (Interior Ministry opinion), Sweden (IT commission report), US (government bill amended, Kerrey-McCain bill, SAFE act amended and passed House committees, czar travel FOIA request) - clarification on Singapore (import, domestic), Japan (government cannot choose) - URLs added to Belgium (law proposals), Canada (export), UK (cyber-rights report)
Comments are as always welcomed.
Kind regards, Bert-Jaap