At 08:56 PM 8/29/01 -0700, Tim May wrote:
"Blacknet is an interesting idea, but only if it used by Steele and his CIA friends. Can you assure us it will not be used except for good uses, such as those by the CIA and DEA?"
"We develop the tecnology. The policy and how you implement them is not my province." ---Jonathon Philips, mgr DARPA Human ID at a Distance Program Tech Review Sept 01 p 63 "Big Brother Logs On" ......... Additional case studies are needed, however, to determine which traits of chemical and biological terrorists might help identify them because charisma, paranoia, and grandiosity are alo found to varying degreees among, for example, leaders of political parties, large corporations, and academic depts. --John T Finn, _Science_ v 289 1 sept 2000