"James A. Donald" wrote:
At 09:20 AM 9/9/2000 -0700, A. Melon wrote:
Some of that cat hair winds up at crime scenes, and can provide important clues to solving a crime if it can be traced to an individual cat, and from there to its owner. The DOJ is asking cat owners to voluntarily send in a sample of Fluffys genetic material
No sillier than gun control laws.
Potentially even more infringing on rights, though, at least in the US. We have the 2nd Amendment, which keeps some of the police state behavior at bay. I can't think, offhand, of any provision in the US Constitution which would prevent City Hall from mandating a hair sample from every pet. New York constitution neither, though that's so cumbersome and poorly organized that there might be something tucked away. -- Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere Have GNU, will travel 518-374-4720 sfurlong@acmenet.net