*************************************************************************************** To be removed from future mailings, submit a blank email with "remove" as the subject line and you will be automatically removed. *************************************************************************************** Does your paycheck go straight to your credit card companies? Are they charging you exorbitant interest and charging you fees for almost everything? Or are you being denied credit because of insufficient income or a bad record? Or perhaps you are in so much debt that you can not see a way out? There is no reason to accept this! We can show you how to lower your rates from 15%, 19%, or even 22% all the way down to 4.9%, how to pay off your debt quickly, how to get free cash advances, how to cut your minimum payments in half and a lot more! We will tell you secrets that your credit card companies do not want you to know, secrets that will save you hundreds of dollars and will free you from the monthly burden of credit card debt. Rodda Enterprises is a group dedicated to protecting consumers against credit card companies. We have been helping consumers like you for over seven years. We are NOT a credit repair service or a service of any kind. We simply publish information to help consumers. Remember what life was like before you got into debt? You had spending power and were not burdened with high monthly payments. Things were within your reach. You could afford vacations and luxuries of life that are now denied you because of the high cost of credit. We can take you back to those days and once again help you to be able to afford the pleasures of life! Nobody should be denied cheap credit. The competition in the credit card industry has reached an all-time high. With so many companies competing for your business, you have the upper hand. Even if you have bad credit or marks on your credit report, your business is still wanted by companies struggling to compete. Discover the secrets to use this to your advantage. We will show you how. Try calculating how long it will take you to pay off $5000 of debt at 19.8%. If you are only paying close to the minimum payment, then forget it! This is part of the trap that has been set for you by your credit card companies to keep you in debt forever! All you are doing is paying the interest that has accumulated and that will accumulate again right after you pay it! The only way to pay off your debt is to have your rates cut below 10%. Dont just give away your money to interest charges. Let us show you how to drastically lower your rates and get out of debt. By lowering the rate on your existing accounts, you can save thousands of dollars a year! Just look at the section of your bills titled "Finance Charge." This is what you owe in interest for only that one month period! Add up all the finance charges on all your bills and multiply that by 12 months. This will give you an idea of how much of your money is being needlessly wasted -- we hope this calculation does not shock you too much. Even if you have bad credit, does it make any sense to be charged 22% interest? All this does is make it even harder for you to pay off your debt. We can show you ways of having this interest drastically reduced and sometimes even eliminated! Thats right, we said eliminated. There are ways of paying zero percent thats 0% on your delinquent accounts. Have you been offered a credit card with a $500 credit line or even one of $1000? WHAT!! They wanted to charge you 19.8% on that measly $500 card! There is NO reason to accept this!! If you have been offered a card like this then you are qualified to receive a much better card. The only secret is knowing how and from where to get it! We will tell you. Even if you have been denied credit because you have too many outstanding accounts, too much debt, or insufficient income you can still get cards with higher limits and lower interest. Dont just accept the treatment you get from your credit card companies. There is absolutely no reason that you or anybody else should be treated this way by somebody who needs your business to survive. Get the information you need to level the playing field and save your hard earned money. Now, for the first time, we are releasing our secrets in print. For a limited time only, we are distributing our secrets in an effort to change the way credit card companies do business. Our goal is to bring the industry more in line with reality and to help the consumer. As a result of the dramatic effect we expect this information to have on the industry, we are making it available in limited quantities to gauge its impact. You have been selected as one of the few individuals to receive this information. Order your copy of "Credit Card Secrets" today. For the next 30 days it is being made available for only $9.95. The information you will receive is worth hundreds of dollars a month to you. Just calculate what your finance charges are as we suggested above and you will see that this low price is relatively free. You will get this money back in just a day or two of saved finance charges. We guarantee it! As an added bonus, if you order within seven days of receiving this advertisement, we will include a FREE copy of "Telephone Company Secrets". This alone retails for $9.95 and can save you $50 to $100 a month by showing you how to get the best deals from your phone companies. To convince you that this is information that you should not pass up, we are offering you our special Performance Guarantee! If "Credit Card Secrets" does not save you many, many times the $9.95 cost, return it to us and we will promptly send you a refund. Judging from the many letters of thanks we have received from our customers, we know you too will be completely satisfied and amazed by what "Credit Card Secrets" can do for you. To order, print the form below (or copy it by hand), fill in the information and send it today with your payment of $9.95 to: RODDA ENTERPRISES 6151 Mountain Vista Road Suite #917 Henderson, Nevada 89014 Please send me a copy of "Credit Card Secrets". I have enclosed my payment of $9.95. If my payment is postmarked within seven days, please include my free copy of "Telephone Company Secrets". NAME: STREET/APT #: CITY/STATE/ZIP: PROMOTION CODE: 995TCS3 PLEASE TELL US THE NAMES ONLY OF YOUR WORST CARD COMPANIES - EXAMPLE -- MBNA, FIRST USA, ETC...: