Does anyone understand the implications of a society moving to an electroinc cash based system??
Well, yes - or do you mean the implications for criminals?
All trasactions will be recorded, moitored, tracked & analysed. This is not just the government that one has to worry about but corporations also.
First of all, a lot of that information is already available - we do use credit cards for virtually everything, and also, I doubt our spending habits will be readily available to anyone who asks...
Insurance industry:
- Gee Mr. Jones seems that you buy too much junk food & red meat. Our actuaries say this makes you a "high risk".
- Gee Ms. Smith you speend too much money at the bars. Our actuaries say you are a high risk for DUI & accidents.
Well, if I were an insurance company, and I could get this data, I too would make these decisions - it makes good business sense - insurance isn't your right you know...
Company Employment:
- Gee Mr. Thompson you spend too much on beer & cigarettes. Oh yes we don't like the magizines you read either.
That would suck, but really, how is everyone in the world going to get this information?
- Well, well, well Mr & Ms Washington our records show that you spent $50,000 last year but only declaired $35,000 care to explain where the extra money came from??
Hmmmm.....why exactly would one declare less than they made? If you don't agree with the tax system, use your democratic voice to change it OR get out.