This makes it likely for Ashcrap's justice department to drop the case, which means a clear 2nd Amendment issue will not go to the SCoTUS, which means as soon as this case is out of the pipeline, they can "change" their policy just like they just did. Especially if the Dem's take over the House next year. We seem to be living in interesting times. At 05:01 AM 7/12/01, George@Orwellian.Org wrote:
General Ashcroft has announce the Second Amendment applies to individuals.
This will apparently affect the case of a Tim Emerson, a Texas physician accused of violating a 1994 law barring people under restraining orders from having guns. The DOJ is currently appealing the case claiming the Second Amendment does not extend to an individual the right to guns.
http://www.bradycampaign.org has filed an ethics complaint against Ashcroft.
WWW illiterate: http://usdoj.gov doesn't work.