e'd like to remind those of you planning to attend this year's event that CodeCon is fast approaching. CodeCon is the premier event in 2005 for application developer community. It is a workshop for developers of real-world applications with working code and active development projects. Past presentations at CodeCon have included the file distribution software BitTorrent; the Peek-A-Booty anti-censorship application; the email encryption system PGP Universal; and Audacity, a powerful audio editing tool. Some of this year's highlights include Off-The-Record Messaging, a privacy-enhancing encryption protocol for instant-message systems; SciTools, a web-based toolkit for genetic design and analysis; and Incoherence, a novel stereo sound visualization tool. CodeCon registration is discounted this year: $80 for cash at the door registrations. Registration will be available every day of the conference, though ticket are limited, and attendees are encouraged to register on the first day to secure admission. CodeCon will be held February 11-13, noon-6pm, at Club NV (525 Howard Street) in San Francisco. For more information, please visit http://www.codecon.org.