_______________ Forward Header _______________ Subject: RE: [IP] more on Limits on wireless leave U.S. at risk Author: ron.sege@troposnetworks.com Date: 18th October 2005 6:09:16 am Dave, Tropos has shipped a couple of hundred of our Tropos 5210 mesh routers into MS and LA in the days following the storm, and had a few hundred installed in the stricken area previously. These are high-power (36 dBm), high rx sensitivity (-100 dBm), outdoor-constructed 802.11b/g access points with embedded mesh routers so they can backhaul wirelessly amongst each other to a source of Internet connectivity. Each has a 1,000 ft plus range to an outdoor Wi-Fi device, emergency vehicle with external antenna or building with a window-mounted CPE. So, a couple of hundred nodes represents 10-15 sq mi or so of contiguous coverage in typical configuration. Every 10 nodes or so are fed with a Motorola Canopy "WiMAX" link, typically shot from the roof of an MCI PoP, or from city backhaul locations. These devices, at these densities, are non line of sight so can be installed by city workers with bucket trucks on street lamps, with power taken from street-light photo cells. They will self-configure, find their backhaul, optimize throughput and route around problems. They can be battery and solar-powered due to their low wattage (28 watts or so). Last I have heard, we were in 25 or so FEMA and Red Cross shelters in NO, Biloxi, Lamar-Dixon and Baton Rouge. We are around the NO airport and on a couple of cruise ships off the gulf that are housing FEMA workers. We had 200 nodes previously installed in high-crime areas of NO doing video surveillance. As the power has been restored to the street lights, these nodes have come back up on their own and are performing their functions again. We are now in the process of expanding that network as a "force multiplier" for the police. Data applications as well as Vonage phones and Skype are active on the networks. The CIO of NO is actually in DC today testifying about the benefits of Wi-Fi mesh. Hope that helps. You can see more on our technology at www.tropos.com Ron Sege President and CEO Tropos Networks 555 Del Rey Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 www.tropos.com 408-331-6810 office 650-861-7564 cell 617-407-5000 international cell 408-331-6530 fax The leading supplier of products for building true metro-scale Wi-Fi mesh networks. -----Original Message----- From: David P. Reed [mailto:dpreed@reed.com] Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 5:09 PM To: dave@farber.net Cc: Ip Ip; ron.sege@troposnetworks.com Subject: Re: [IP] more on Limits on wireless leave U.S. at risk Gerry Faulhaber wrote:
Reed claims firms were offering WiMax and WiFi mesh networks for first responders in the wake of Katrina and Rita. He also mentions the role of municipal WiFi in this effort. Coulda happened, but it seems wildly unlikely. Is there any proof of this?
I'm a bit skeptical about Reed Hundt's broad claims, too. However, I do know that Tropos and others who have such technology were attempting to demonstrate the value of their systems post-Katrina, so there almost certainly was some deployment, given the value to the companies of the opportunity to show their stuff. I've cc'ed Ron Sege of Tropos, who may have more direct knowledge and data. ------------------------------------- You are subscribed as eugen@leitl.org To manage your subscription, go to http://v2.listbox.com/member/?listname=ip Archives at: http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/ ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> ______________________________________________________________ ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820 http://www.leitl.org 8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A 7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had a name of signature.asc]