====================================================================== 1. Are you using pgp5.x?
Yeah...you got a problem with that?
If answer to 1 is NO skip to question 4
And if I _don't_?
2. have you placed your pgp5.x key on the public keyservers?
Yeah. They sent it back and told me to fuck off.
3. Were you using an earlier version of pgp before getting pgp5.x
6.0. I'm from the future.
If answer to 3 is NO skip to 6
Hey, pal. Quit ordering me around!
4. Is your pgp2.x (or 4.x) key on a public key server
Yes, but it's under _your_ name.
5. What software did you use to put your pgp2.x (or 4.x) key on the keyserver? Was it pgp5.x, or was it some other software (eg web browser, emailed key submission etc)?
I put it on using their root account. They need better security
6. How many people do you communicate with using PGP?
None, really. I usually just babble incoherently.
7. Of those how many are using pgp2.x (or pgp4.x)
None. Do you think that is maybe why no one ever replies?
8. and how many are using pgp5.x
How the fuck would I know if they never write (Adam) back?
9. how many of the pgp5.x users had never used PGP before pgp5.x became available
Like, I'm _sleeping_ with everyone I write to? How long till I get to the 'smart' questions?
10. How many of the people who use pgp2.x (answer to 7) are cypherpunks?
Only the guy in the next cell.
11. How many of the people who use pgp5.x (answer to 8) are cypherpunks?
Only the ones promoting it in anonymous posts to the list.
Thanks for your time.
That's more apprecitation than the Warden ever expressed. CellMateMonger