-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 An entity claiming to be Steve Schear wrote: : >: : >: (Personally, were I to be arrested and held on such false charges, I'd : >: consider it necessary to kill those who illegally held me. Preferably from : >: a safe distance, with a sniper rifle. But then I'm a right wing libertarian : >: whacko.) : > : >Right wing, left wing, friggin' wingless ... the above comment still : >indicates a sociopath. : : Perhaps, but is being a sociopath that bad? When those who administer the : justice system in society are out-of-control, or have consciously decided : to ignore the constitutional protections they are charged with upholding : then strong, extra-legal, measures may be called for in order to right the : apple cart. While being an eloquent statement of support for gang warfare, it still disagrees with the old adage of "two wrongs don't make a right" [1]. It does indicate that this concept of justice causes any traces of "law" to go right down the drain anytime one person oversteps the boundary. If Tim were justified in breaking the law because a (hypothetical) LEO broke his end of the Constitutional bargain, wouldn't that make the "law" in question moot? I'm not attacking your ideals, or Tim's, I'm just wondering if this sort of reactionary violence is valid. If Tim were arrested on some bogus charge [2] and were held as a political prisoner, let's say he does as he says he would ... leaving a corpse in jackboots. Wouldn't that add more fuel to the fires of the political reptiles, resulting in more oppresive law enforcement? I'm not saying that he should just turn the other cheek, I'm just wondering if there aren't more effective ways of dealing with an out of control government. The American public won't be roused to open revolution quite so easily. They have jobs, cars, houses, kids, dogs, digital watches [3] and lots of other things that they do not want to lose. Revolution is untidy, and Americans know this, so does the government ... this gives them a BIG advantage, it makes the citizenry very compliant. How do you see Tim's stance as being practical? : : "Those who prefer security over liberty deserve neither." I agree. [1] but three rights make a left. [2] plenty to pick from here. [3] well, most of them do. - -- [] Mark Rogaski "That which does not kill me [] wendigo@pobox.com only makes me stranger." -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 Charset: noconv iQA/AwUBNFlFnMHFI4kt/DQOEQKUMwCfYU7TczSd/kX7Wb6Xfz+hWYMty+EAoLQQ T5yekWt0iy+PdFHc2p0+v4qt =tTYi -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----