At 11:47 pm -0400 on 6/1/97, Declan McCullagh wrote:
until Marc started yelling about libertarians being "Pod People," or at least possessing similar critical thinking skills. :)
Same as it ever was. It's a common rhetorical device used by totalitarian fellow-travellers everywhere. Call something its opposite and destroy its objective meaning in the process. Orwell's "Freedom is Slavery" line is the best example I can think of. Cheers, Bob Hettinga ----------------- Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com), Philodox e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' The e$ Home Page: http://www.shipwright.com/