16 Oct
16 Oct
11:05 a.m.
DO NOT consolidat� youur debtt Elim�nate It!!! L�gall� Remove your credit c�rd and other uns�cured debt * W�THOUT ever making another payment to your credit�rs * \^/ITHOUT it affecting yyour creditt long-term * WITHOUT confrontation http://lpduzg.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pSZt_7Zj3G2C11DaORR9mgfncx1HkS0iNWKfeS... This IS NOT: * Bankru�tcy * Consolidaation * Or r�financing of any kind Visiit here to l�arn how. http://lpduzg.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pSZt_7Zj3G2C11DaORR9mgfncx1HkS0iNWKfeS... * Must have a minim�m of $10K in combined household �nsecured debt to applyy. * Mustt be a US resident.