At 11:00 PM 6/10/98 +0200, a remailer user forwarded a message From: Bachrach <> about a major security backdoor in ICKill, a utility that apparently augments or hangs around ICQ - it's a little-documented feature designed into the system rather than a bug or unexpected behaviour. More information is at .... My last question is this: if one person has backdoors into thousands of computer systems, doesn't that pose some sort of risk to the interent community as a whole? There's one person who's been saying that I should notify the FBI about this. As you can see decided to start here first.
Don't tell the FBI - they'll just want to use it themselves. :-!
Is there some way to locate and reach ICKill users directly? Do they show up on ICQ in some useful manner? (I don't use either of the products....) Directly notifying them could help the problem, or at least generate a number of emails to the author who put the feature in there.
Well the way I see it the author of ICKill told the company that puts out ICQ that you have this problem and you need to fix it.. The way he's looking at it is fix this because it's a problem. They did not fix it after his requests to have them fix this so he shared it. I don't think he did anything wrong in this case. Any way like the FBI could figure out how to use it I don't give them that much credit as it is. |)ark |(night DEFINITION. Windows 95: n. 32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that can't stand 1 bit of competition. Http://