[Apologies to my friends in Singapore, but I am NOT making this up. --Declan] And the top five toilets are... SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A drive to keep public toilets clean and dry is meeting with overwhelming success, the Ministry of Environment said in a "toilet alert" Tuesday. The statement said that in the first week "5,000 Singaporans have called the Clean Public Toilets hotline to identify Singapore's model toilets and to vote for their top five favorite toilets." The ministry launched a poster competition earlier in the month featuring three model toilets and inviting the public to identify their locations, as well as to nominate their favorite public toilets in five categories of locations. Various prizes are involved, including a return trip to Hong Kong to be won in a draw. Singapore is known for public campaigns promoting causes ranging from discouraging littering to encouraging people to have more children. ------------------------- Declan McCullagh Time Inc. The Netly News Network Washington Correspondent http://netlynews.com/