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Subject: Re: Lock and Load Date: Mon, 22 Dec 97 17:59:49 -0500 From: "Brian B. Riley" <>
There are probably as many weapons where this is true as there where it is not. In general it makes most sense to check for safe condition before and after loading.
Would you be so kind as to give a specific example of a bolt action, semi-automatic, or automatic rifle that can't be loaded on safe? I have never seen a rifle that wouldn't allow this. A parallel pistol example would be nice too, if you're so inclined. Merry Christmas! ____________________________________________________________________ | | | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make | | violent revolution inevitable. | | | | John F. Kennedy | | | | | | _____ The Armadillo Group | | ,::////;::-. Austin, Tx. USA | | /:'///// ``::>/|/ | | .', |||| `/( e\ | | -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- Jim Choate | | | | 512-451-7087 | |____________________________________________________________________|