---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 20:19:33 -0700 (PDT) From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com> To: fight-censorship+@andrew.cmu.edu Subject: HotWired -- "Crypto Storm Warning"
From Monday's The Netizen on HotWired. Read the full text at the URL below. Gorelick spoke last Friday at the Freedom Forum in Virginia.
-Declan --- http://www.netizen.com/netizen/96/29/campaign_dispatch0a.html HotWired The Netizen "Crypto Storm Warning" Campaign Dispatch by Declan McCullagh (declan@well.com) Washington, DC, 14 July The Clinton administration escalated its cyber-fearstorm today when a top Justice Department lawyer slammed the Net for "transmitting child pornography into our homes" and for allowing hackers to possibly "shut down the banking system." [...] At the same time, [Jamie] Gorelick edged away from the hard-line rhetoric the administration used to defend the Communications Decency Act. [...] Gorelick's cybercondemnations play against a backdrop of political jockeying inside the Justice Department. Reno disclosed last November that she has Parkinson's disease, and Gorelick is her logical successor if Clinton stays in office next term. [...] After Gorelick completed her speech and sat down, I leaned over and asked her: "Could I have your email address?" She didn't know it. "I don't go into it that often," Gorelick said, adding that the Justice Department doesn't use email much, for "security reasons." "Call me and I'll give it to you," she promised. Gosh, what a surprise: The US government's leading spokesperson on the dangers and the evils of the Net doesn't even log in.