Kuwait provoked Iraq far more than places like Panama and Grenada have provoked the United States, when US forces poured in to remove existing governments, and install regimes sympathetic to Washington, also killing thousands of uninvolved civilians.
Then again, perhaps you believed the touching "Baby Incubator" story performed by the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador for an appreciative Congress, who were unaware of who she was, or that she was lying through her teeth. Perhaps you were also unaware that American public opinion during the Persian Gulf War was under the control of a domestic public relations firm hired by the government of Kuwait.
wow!! well said. a great book that nails this: "toxic sludge is good for you" about the public relations industry and how it's playing the tune while rome burns.
America always manages to find some pretense to fight the wars it decides to fight. Sometimes there is a staged attack, and an arrangement for allies to "invite" us into the conflict. Other times, some imagined threat, like the chance that an infant formula factory "could be used" to produce material that "might be used" for chemical or biological warfare. Most of us who have watched the antics of America for more than a few decades see through the transparent rhetoric employed in such situations to manufacture public consent.
yes, and the cracks are starting to show-- how about that recent rally in Ohio or whereever it was in which the audience refused to stick to the "wag the dog" script? hee, hee. maybe there is hope for us yet eh? one of the questions: "if other governments of the middle east have weapons of mass destruction, why are we singling out iraq?"
America needs a low-level format. Soon.
ouch!! that would hurt!! another problem you don't mention is that the population has let our own government run away. we send masses tax money but fail to hold our own government responsible. "I am not responsible" is the motto of immature children. we have an entire nation of them, many on this list.