-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 At 4:55 PM -0700 4/22/03, Tim May deigned to flame my prose, pointing out a mild inadvertant conundrum:
Ah. Theoretically, that's a claim made in the absence of data, at least as far as Mr. May is concerned, because, last time looked, I was in his killfile.
How could you _possibly_ look in my killfile?
Ah. There you go again, accenting the trivial, while ignoring the substantive. Frankly, forgetting it wasn't September, I expected some undergrad to come running to your logical rescue, but you did so yourself, promptly, in proper adolescent fashion, I might add, with every thing but the "so there" and sticking your tongue out. I knew, reading it as it came back off the list (how's that for self-absorbed?), that that little malaprop would come back and bite me in the ass. Frankly, I was too lazy to fix it. I might have said "heard", of course, instead of "looked", though, literally "looked" was true, since I *see* you, on this list, put me in your kill-file about once a year, every year, since, oh, 1995 or so. So, let's use "heard" instead --metaphorically, of course -- as in "heard" from Mr. May about it, as in publicly "heard". As in repeatedly "heard". As in, dare I say, er, um, redundantly "heard"? Nahhh... that's too lumpy. :-). Frankly, I would never killfile Mr. May, because, at the very least, he provides 9/10ths of the entertainment around here these days, between his affected racism, sexism, anti-semitism, threats of physical violence and genuine paranoia (see Olsen in the .sig, below...), and, like All True Literate Aryans (his word, not mine, folks), he doesn't even use emoticons. ;-). As for me being redundant, guilty as charged, m'lord. Same shit, different day, every day, since heh, May-ish, 1994. That's 18 months less redundancy than October 1992, I suppose. :-P... (See? I have a tongue, too, though I drool a bit when I use it too much.) For entertainment, let's see how fast I can get myself back into Tim's kill-file again, shall we? Let's see if he's read down this far... Hey, Tim, threatened anyone on Usenet with raping their wife and children lately? Cheers, =:-)=- RAH ^^^^^^ (aka BeelzeBob. I'm sooo bad today...) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 8.0 - not licensed for commercial use: www.pgp.com iQA/AwUBPqYP+MPxH8jf3ohaEQIqugCgqUCmfvzy6MvYUAw2sP0Wg/Un6SAAoLaw XCBHnrdSor75B32mO0wJi5zG =XPE5 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- ----------------- R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah@ibuc.com> The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/> 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "When I was your age we didn't have Tim May! We had to be paranoid on our own! And we were grateful!" --Alan Olsen