Of course, only Americans can dial those numbers.. which is a shame... (A few Canadians could have skewed the voting... :-) On a note similar to remailers, has anyone ever given consideration to creating an "outdial" service? If I could dial long distance into the States, and then be able to dial a 1-800 number that I cannot dial direct from Canada (which is most) this would extremely useful... Could be taken a step further, and with automated billing a person could dial *any* number and charge it back to their calling card (though this would not be fully anonymous, is there a use for this?? I donno... as Caller ID becomes more prevalent... maybe...) I know law enforcement agents use something like this for undercover operations, though I doubt they figure in a long distance factor very often... Anyway, something to think about... --- Nick MacDonald | NMD on IRC i6t4@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca | PGP 2.1 Public key available via finger On Fri, 30 Apr 1993, Mike Godwin wrote:
Communications Week magazine has a weekly telephone response poll.
This week's question is:
Do you agree with the Clinton administration's Public Encryption Management directive for communications equipment?
Yes: 800-242-CWKY No: 800-242-CWKN