Peter Neumann proposes killing computers and the Internet to start over and build something far worse to meticulously track every nano-bite of digital communications with unrevocable, implanted encrypted ID in every device to authenticate ID of users. DARPA, who else, is funding the work to kill anonymity and privacy for, ta da, national security racketeering. The bountiful cyberwar mongerers are delirious with support for their job security of predicting evermore Pearl Harbors, amply protected by secrecy of "defensive" USG cyber aggression. Dr. Neumann is a great generation advocate to bless this takeover makeover. He was there at the beginning of the last one which never, quote, offered security, thus leading to a multi-billion dollar industry of snake oil. No, not national security oil, its bastard children of cyber oilers. None of those deliberately-deceptive-comsec creeps have ever been here, whew, only on RISKS.