Damian Gerow wrote:
Why bother putting something up in a library? Chances are, if someone's reading it there, they're already somewhat knowledgable about the candidates. Or heck, maybe they're even there to do /research/ on them!
I don't see any way to educate the mass public.
Indeed, why bother? How about a system that removes your right to vote if you haven't exercised it in the last 3 elections? That way you cut out all those who really don't care, and provide an incentive for those who might. Nothing grabs attention like threatening to remove /privileges/, even if they don't actually get used. Make sure there's a handy "abstain" option for those who want to get the point across about lack of choice, and maybe a space to say why, too. Then stick the (anonymous) reasons up in a publicly-viewable space and eh, instant feedback. Or something. .g -- "I have practysed & lerned at my grete charge & dispense to ordeyne this said book in prynte that every man may have them attones." - W. Caxton