-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 An entity claiming to be Jim Choate wrote: : : How did the word get there, NOT what the word means. I KNOW what and how : to use the word. I agree with Jim, we have shown WHAT orthogonal means to the fields of programming languages, computer theory, and software engineering. The question is WHY it was adopted. : : Some of you people are fucking worthless for anything other than baiting. Oh, come now, any human has many uses if you put your mind to it. A cheap, renewable replacement for ballistic test gelatin, maybe? ;) Mark - -- [] Mark Rogaski "That which does not kill me [] wendigo@pobox.com only makes me stranger." -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 Charset: noconv iQA/AwUBNFbloMHFI4kt/DQOEQJSAACeKYPsTTsdIkyWJmgBITIX+JBTGEUAoKfL JyNmBdHK8OIM/qsNdzWA8T4q =PB3c -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----