On Wed, 18 Mar 1998, Ken Williams wrote:
A friend of mine put in a request to reg "pimpshit.com" the other day but it was DENIED by interNIC because it was deemed "innapropriate"..
I once remember a time when there was this well known story about "Freedom of Speech", I believe it's only a rumor in todays world. Genocide Head of the Genocide2600 Group Board Member of E.H.A.P ============================================================================ ____________________ *---===| |===---* *---===| Genocide |===---* "Courage is not defined by those who *---===| 2600 |===---* fought and did not fall, but by those *---===|__________________|===---* who fought, fell, and rose again." Email: Genocide@Genocide2600.com Web: http://www.Genocide2600.com Check out the mud at: genocide2600.com 6666 ============================================================================