Toto wrote:
David E. Smith wrote:
My understanding was that the moderator is supposed to ONLY filter out ads and utterly-content-free messages.
That seems to be a very common misunderstanding--one which will remain without question on the censored list, since they have chosen to remain behind the ElectroMagnetic Curtain.
You'll recall that Sandfort (as Logos) ranted without letup about decorum, decorum, ... ad nauseam, which, now that I look back on it, is a *very* handy tool for controlling the list. Logic does not interfere with decorum, despite the implication of the nym Logos.
(Mind you, I took the smart out and subbed to cp-unedited, so I'm in no place to judge.)
You're in a far better place to judge than those who have chosen to remain spoon-fed their world-view.
I just hope your judgement isn't skewed when you don't get some of the mail, i.e., when the pony breaks down and can't run for awhile.
Aha, a good point to be brought up: Sandy, are you autofiltering anyone based on user name, or on certain keywords? Seems to defeat the purpose of having a _human_ moderator.
You realize, of course, that your question is moot, since this post of yours was already thrown in the crapper/flame-list. It seems that questioning the process is a 'flame'.
The List Lord made it clear "In The Beginning" that some posts would probably be irretrievably lost due to unavoidable "mistakes". Think "FBI Crime Lab". You get the picture.