Soon, it may be illegal to distribute bomb making instructions. Get your copy while you still can! The Terrorist's Handbook is available at: http://www.meaning.com/library/boom/thb/ The entire handbook, in HTML format, can be downloaded from: ftp://ftp.meaning.com/pub/library/thb.tgz DOWNLOAD A COPY WHILE YOU STILL CAN! -silenced
From WIRED news www.wired.com:
Senate Votes to Block Bomb-Making Info by Rebecca Vesely 12:09pm 20.Jun.97.PDT The Senate has voted 94-0 to tack onto a Defense Department spending bill an amendment that would prohibit the distribution of bomb-making instructions in the United States. Although the word "Internet" is not mentioned in the four-page amendment, the legislation would outlaw Web sites, newspapers, zines, and books that publish instructions on how to make a bomb - such as The Anarchist's Cookbook and The Terrorist Handbook. Violators would face fines and prison sentences of up to 20 years. Sponsored by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California), who has been trying to get the legislation on the books since 1995, the amendment passed Thursday is narrowly written to include only the distribution of material that has an "intent to harm." ...