At 04:56 PM 7/20/01 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
Just as much as these protesters object to having their cultures and planet raped and pillaged for the God $ Fascist good (and not their own).
Presumably "their cultures" and "their planet" are the "property" they are defending according to your prior post. I thought they didn't really believe in property? In any case, culture is something that exists in the minds of people and in the choices those people make every day. One can only claim to "own" a culture if one claims to own the minds and choices of others. A bit totalitarian and impossible for commie thugs to do these days since even governments with nukes are having trouble controlling the minds and choices of others. As for the planet, a bit big to be owned at this point though people will be able to own them later when we're richer and have access to more of them. Though why one would want to own a gravity well is beyond me. DCF --- Statism, gravity, and death -- Mankind's three greatest enemies.