Pig Latin or even the old 10 codes as in 10-4 are against the amateur rules. The only allowed code scheme is morse code and Q codes. Both are clasified as a well defined language. Using english and having a conversation that means something other than the standard usage is also prohibited. If you don't like it then stick to CB-Radio. At least that is the FCC's position.
So much for "no domestic crypto restrictions." I really hate when people say that, there are plenty, and export restrictions on cryptography software and cryptography in software DOES indirectly but substantially affect the availability and cost of domestic encryption, not to mention that most people download export-grade crypto from the web for convenience.
Isn't there a similar ban on encryption-capable telephones and other electronic devices (other than computers).
The FCC prohibits the transmission of encrypted data via analog or digital signals by amateurs.
Matt <mailto:melliott@itmail.ncsa.uiuc.edu>