Announcing 3 Co-located Workshops Dear Colleagues, We are glad to announce 3 workshops co-located with the Financial Cryptography and Data Security. Workshop on Real-Life Cryptographic Protocols and Standardization Paper Submission Deadline: October 2, 2009, midnight PST As a fruit of modern cryptographic research, we have seen many cryptographic primitives such as public-key encryption and digital signature algorithms deployed in real life systems, and standardized in many international organizations such as ISO, ITUT, IEEE, IETF, and many others. We have also seen some cryptographic protocols as well, such as key distribution and entity authentication, and some dedicated protocols for limited purpose systems. This workshop aims to bring researchers and engineers together to share their experiments regarding the design of cryptographic primitives and protocols deployed in real life systems. These schemes may not be published in current conferences due to the perceived lack of novelty of their core design components. However, the process of designing the best suitable protocol in the presence of hardware and software limitations in a real life system is worth sharing. This workshop also aims to stimulate discussions on standardizing cryptographic protocols. Workshop on Ethics in Computer Security Research (WECSR 2010) Submissions Due: October 15, 2009, 11:59pm, EDT (UTC-4) Computer security often leads to discovering interesting new problems and challenges. The challenge still remains to follow a path acceptable for Institutional Review Boards at academic institutions, as well as compatible with ethical guidelines for professional societies or government institutions. However, no exact guidelines exist for computer security research yet. This workshop will bring together computer security researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and legal experts. This workshop solicits submissions describing or suggesting ethical and responsible conduct in computer security research. While we focus on setting standards and sharing prior experiences and experiments in computer security research, successful or not, we tap into research behavior in network security, computer security, applied cryptography, privacy, anonymity, and security economics. This workshop will favor discussions among participants, in order to shape the future of ethical standards in the field. It will be co-located with the Fourteenth International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2010. Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography for Resource-Constrained Devices Paper submission: September 30, 2009 Lightweight devices like smart cards and RFID tags are at the core of novel emerging technologies in the information society. These devices must be cheap so as to permit their cost-effective massive manufacturing and deployment. Unfortunately, their low-cost limits their computational power. Other devices, like nodes of sensor networks suffer from an additional constraint, namely, their limited battery life. Secure applications designed for these devices can not make use of classical cryptographic primitives designed for full-fledged computers. In this sense, research on low-cost cryptography is fundamental. This workshop aims to be a forum for the presentation and discussion of current research on different topics related to low-cost cryptography, from cipher design to implementation details. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Financial Cryptography and Data Security Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain 25-28 January 2010 Financial Cryptography and Data Security is a major international forum for research, advanced development, education, exploration, and debate regarding information assurance, with a specific focus on commercial contexts. The conference covers all aspects of securing transactions and systems. INVITED SPEAKERS Lorrie Cranor, CMU Ueli Maurer, ETH Zurich Jean-Pierre Hubaux, EPFL WORKSHOPS Workshop on Real-Life Cryptographic Protocols and Standardization (RLCPS.10) Workshop on Ethics in Computer Security Research (WECSR 2010) Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography for Resource-Constrained Devices (WLC'2010) IMPORTANT DATES Paper Notification: November 14, 2009 Final Papers: November 29, 2009 Poster and Panel Submission: November 10, 2009 Poster and Panel Notification: November 20, 2009 ORGANIZERS General Chair: Pino Caballero-Gil, University of La Laguna Local Chair: Candelaria Hernandez-Goya, University of La Laguna Local Committee Luisa Arranz Chacon, Alcatel Espana, S.A. Candido Caballero Gil, University of La Laguna Amparo Fter Sabater, IFA-CSIC Felix Herrera Priano, University of La Laguna Belen Melian Batista, University of La Laguna Jezabel Molina Gil, University of La Laguna Jose Moreno Perez, University of La Laguna Marcos Moreno Vega, University of La Laguna Alberto Peinado Dominguez, University of Malaga Alexis Quesada Arencibia, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Jorge Ramio Aguirre, Polytechnic University of Madrid Victoria Reyes Sanchez, University of La Laguna PROGRAM COMMITTEE Program Chair: Radu Sion, Stony Brook University Ross Anderson, University of Cambridge Lucas Ballard, Google Inc. Adam Barth, UC Berkeley Marina Blanton, University of Notre Dame Luc Bouganim, INRIA Rocquencourt Bogdan Carbunar, Motorola Labs Ivan Damgard, Aarhus University Ernesto Damiani, University of Milano George Danezis, Microsoft Research Sabrina de Capitani di Vimercati, University of Milano Rachna Dhamija, Harvard University Sven Dietrich, Stevens Institute of Technology Roger Dingledine, The Tor Project Josep Domingo-Ferrer, University of Rovira i Virgili Stefan Dziembowski, University of Rome "La Sapienza" Bernhard Esslinger, Siegen University Simone Fischer-Hner, Karlstad University Amparo Fuster-Sabater, Instituto de Fica Aplicada Madrid Philippe Golle, Palo Alto Research Center Dieter Gollmann, Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg Rachel Greenstadt, Drexel University Markus Jakobsson, Palo Alto Research Center and Indiana University Rob Johnson, Stony Brook University Ton Kalker, HP Labs Stefan Katzenbeisser, Technische Universit Darmstadt Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University Lars R. Knudsen, Technical University of Denmark Wenke Lee, Georgia Tech Arjen Lenstra, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and Alcatel-Lucent Bell Laboratories Helger Lipmaa, Cybernetica AS Javier Lopez, University of Malaga Luigi Vincenzo Mancini, University of Rome "La Sapienza" Refik Molva, Eurecom Sophia Antipolis Fabian Monrose, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Steven Murdoch, University of Cambridge David Naccache, Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) David Pointcheval, Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) and CNRS Bart Preneel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Josep Rifa Coma, Autonomous University of Barcelona Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Ruhr-University Bochum Angela Sasse, University College London Vitaly Shmatikov, University of Texas at Austin Miguel Soriano, Polytechnic University of Catalonia Miroslava Sotakova, Aarhus University Angelos Stavrou, George Mason University Patrick Traynor, Georgia Tech Nicholas Weaver, International Computer Science Institute Berkeley Proceedings Chair: Reza Curtmola, New Jersey Institute of Technology Poster Chair: Peter Williams, Stony Brook University _______________________________________________ fc-announce mailing list