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-  Wise words from...
   Dr. Elliott Jaques

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-  Featured Product
   of the Week


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FOR THE WEEK OF: March 19, 2001

We are your free online resource for HR. Our eBulletin gives you a taste of what's new on our site this week.

MORE WISE WORDS FROM...Dr. Elliott Jaques
"I thought, 'If I'm being paid for doing my best what's the meaning of incentive pay?' Incentive pay means I'm not doing my best and the closer I get to doing my best the more money I get."

This week we continue our discussion with Elliott Jaques and look at the qualitatively different levels of human capability, why incentive pay is nutty and what to do when you're 84.

"Take a break, have a laugh,
check out this week's HR.comic"

Discover new, more productive ways to attract and hire top talent with POWERHiring's Personal Hiring CoachSM... an automated set of leading-edge hiring tools, tips and advice delivered right to your desktop. It's designed to make hiring easier for both the recruiter and hiring manager. Once you try it out, you'll discover new, more productive ways to attract and hire top talent.

Sponsor Message:
PeopleSoft - People power the internet. Recruiting doesn't stop when people get hired. PeopleSoft Human Resources Management gives you the ability to assess each and every employee's job satisfaction in real-time. So you'll always have what you need to keep recruiting your best people -- which means you won't lose them to your competition. Learn more at Communities
Comp + Ben
This Week's Features:     
What's Wrong With Equity Based Comp
Flex Plan Rules Expand Mid-year Election Options

Product Review: Talx: the ASP with ESP
What's all this talk about Talx?

HR Management
This Week's Features:    
Challenges for HR Professionals in the Knowledge Industry
Go Paperless One Sheet at a Time

Product Review: The Fairness Factor (I)
This video outlines the "fairness factor" surrounding recruiting, interviewing and hiring.

Labor Relations
This Week's Features:  
Anonymous Communication - Its Legal and Moral Benefits
Does The Family And Medical Leave Act Apply?

Video Review: Dealing with Stress
Does your company offer employee stress management solutions?

This Week's Features:
Employee Strikes Door in Anger but Receives Workers' Comp
President Bush Issues Four Executive Orders

Product Review: AA Software by PRI Associates
This product gives companies the tools to acquire & manage all of your AA information.

Sponsor Message:
Do you know where to find qualified high tech candidates? gives you direct access to the industry's most powerful recruiting resource. With our exclusive pool of talented high tech professionals, you'll fill your high tech positions easily, quickly, and affordably. Find and hire the best candidates the high tech world has to offer. Click here for more information, or call 1-877-386-3323.

This Week's Features:    
How To Become A Survey Expert
A Stress Survival Guide for HR Managers/Professionals

Product Review: Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential (MAPP)
This site is dedicated to providing assessments/appraisals for career development & growth.

This Week's Features:
A Big Bye-Bye To Behavioral Interviewing
Surfing for Sources

Product Review: How is the Economic Downturn Affecting Recruitment?
With the economy sputtering is there a ceasefire in the war for talent?

This Week's Features: 
People, the Ultimate Technology
Proposal Automation Tools

Product Review: Intraforce: your IntraPortal
Check out this site to develop your own free integrated intranet & corporate portal.

This Week's Features: 
A History of Interactive Education and Training
Orientation: Getting Out Of The Classroom

Product Review: First Class Training Systems
Based in British Columbia, this company specializes in Technology-Based Training.

Sponsor Message:
e-HR Future Show Conference & Exposition: Anaheim California May 7-10th, 2001 Let the e-HR Future Show be your source for best practice case studies and your guide to practical implementation of successful strategies and tactics for: Online Training and Development, e-Recruiting and Retention; and e-HR Tools and Applications. Hear from dynamic keynote speakers such as: Esther Dyson, Robert Reich, and Elliott Masie among others. Learn more about this exciting even at: or call 781-862-3157

Announcing a New Service for Members
HR Career Center - Connecting Careers for HR Professionals

With over 128,000 members, one of the largest online memberships for HR Professionals, is launching a member job board. Whether you're looking for a job or looking at hiring someone in HR, the HR Career Center provides you with a one-stop resource for all your career needs. To post a job or begin your job search click here. Research:

Web-Based Benefits Administration ($25) is a hot topic. This study helps you understand why web-based benefits administration is so popular.

Save yourself time and money by reading the latest research on Internet recruiting.'s Definitive Guide to Internet Sourcing ($650) reviews your online options for sourcing and tracking candidates and provides helpful suggestions on which sites to use in various situations.

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