At 03:10 PM 4/29/03 -0400, Tyler Durden wrote:
OK, aside from the obvious problems with being held without charge until now, there are some other major issues here.
Apparently, the guy is only being charged with traveling to China in an
attempt to enter Afghanistan and fight US forces.
According to 1 "informant", who is getting *what* in return? Buying a parka and flying is not treason. Even trying to enter .af is not illegal. (And congress never did declare war there, did they?) Shooting off guns in a quarry is not illegal. Going to the same church as folks who pled is not illegal. Clearly, he was given a deal, while in illegal custody, cooperate or we file charges. He didn't, so they did. If they had charges to begin with, they needn't have held him illegally. Of course, he won't be tried in the justice system, so we'll never know the facts.. Maybe they'll go after his wife, if he still doesn't do as they dictate.