At 10:12 PM 7/21/04 -0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:
On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
With all due respect, you think Ft. Meade uses the same COTS crap as you are forced to deal with? Bwah hah hah.
Sorry Major, I'm gonna have to call you on that one. Yes, they are lighting that fiber on COTS. Likely on Nortel gear, which I can tell you from personal experience requires an incredible amount of power, cooling, and rackspace.
Just curious as to the depth of navite in the field....
As we are curious of yours.
Fair 'nuff. I'm following the Principle of not underestimating the adversary, who does plenty of R&D, just look at their tech-transfer program, multiply by a few decades in capacity.. Perhaps that grants the Maryland trogdyltes too much, but again, conservatism rules in this game. Remember, "Nortel" is cost-bound. TLAs are not. They also get radioisotope power supplies, etc. And unpublished tech made in unknown fabs. Albeit, "Nortel" (even if Canadian, eh?) etc are 0wn3d by the USG, so taps through COTS are not so hard, and my "dark fiber" only means the physical capacity is there. And of course people are cheaper than tech. Hell, the counter-intel folks seem to be real bargains, whether FBI or CIA. But if you prefer to believe they play on the same field as us, go ahead, I'll still read your posts, and appreciate the questioning. MV