<http://www.indefenseoffreedom.org/action.html> URGENT ACTION ALERT The Administration's proposed Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 is currently scheduled for mark-up by the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. It is critical that consideration of the legislation be delayed until the Committee holds comprehensive public hearings on the serious civil liberties issues the proposal implicates. The Committee is currently planning to proceed to mark-up after testimony only from the Attorney General and a short, informal "briefing" on the issues that raise constitutional concerns. There is an urgent need for concerned organizations and individuals to contact members of the Judiciary Committee and urge them to delay consideration of the bill until its impact on civil liberties can be carefully and fully considered. These contacts need to be made IMMEDIATELY to delay tomorrow morning's scheduled mark-up. Committee members and their contact information follows. It would be particularly useful if constituents of these members express their concern. Please forward this alert to your members, affiliated organizations and appropriate mailing lists. Judiciary Committee List Name, party, state, phone, fax, e-mail: James Sensenbrenner, Chair, R-WI, (202) 225-5101, (202) 225-3190, sensen09@mail.house.gov Henry Hyde, R-IL, (202) 225-4561, (202) 225-1166. John Conyers Jr., D-MI, (202) 225-5126, (202) 225-0072, john.conyers@mail.house.gov George Gekas, R-PA, (202) 225-4315, (202) 225-8440, askgeorge@mail.house.gov Barney Frank, D-MA, (202) 225-5931, (202) 225-0182 Howard Coble, R-NC, (202) 225-3065, (202) 225-8611, howard.coble@mail.house.gov Howard Berman, D-CA, (202) 225-4695, (202) 225-3196, Howard.Berman@mail.house.gov Lamar Smith, R-TX, (202) 225-4236, (202) 225-8628 Rick Boucher, D-VA, (202) 225-3861, (202) 225-0442, ninthnet@mail.house.gov Elton Gallegly, R-CA, (202) 225-5811, (202) 225-1100 Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, (202) 225-5635, (202) 225-6923, jerrold.nadler@mail.house.gov Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, (202) 225-5431, (202) 225-9681, talk2bob@mail.house.gov Bobby Scott, D-VA, (202) 225-8351, (202) 225-8354 Steve Chabot, R-OH, (202) 225-2216, (202) 225-3012 Mel Watt, D-NC, (202) 225-1510, (202) 225-1512, nc12.public@mail.house.gov Bob Barr, R-GA, (202) 225-2931, (202) 225-2944, barr.ga@mail.house.gov Zoe Lofgren, D-CA, (202) 225-3072, (202) 225-3336, zoe@lofgren.house.gov William Jenkins, R-TN, (202) 225-6356, (202) 225-5714 Sheila Jackson Lee, D-TX, (202) 225-3816, (202) 225-3317, tx18@lee.house.gov Christopher Cannon, R-UT, (202) 225-7751, (202) 225-5629, cannon.ut03@mail.house.gov Maxine Waters, D-CA, (202) 225-2201, (202) 225-7854 Lindsey Graham, R-SC, (202) 225-5301, (202) 225-3216 Marty Meehan, D-MA, (202) 225-3411, (202) 226-0771, martin.meehan@mail.house.gov Spencer Bachus, R-AL, (202) 225-4921, (202) 225-2082 William Delahunt, D-MA, (202) 225-3111, (202) 225-5658, william.delahunt@mail.house.gov John Hostettler, R-IN, (202) 225-4636, (202) 225-3284, john.hostettler@mail.house.gov Robert Wexler, D-FL, (202) 225-3001, (202) 225-5974 Mark Green, R-WI, (202) 225-5665, (202) 225-5729, mark.green@mail.house.gov Tammy Baldwin, D-W, (202) 225-2906, (202) 225-6942, tammy.baldwin@mail.house.gov Ric Keller, R-FL, (202) 225-2176, (202) 225-0999 Anthony David Weiner, D-NY, (202) 225-6616, (202) 226-7253 Darrell Issa, R-CA, (202) 225-3906, (202) 225-3303 Adam Schiff, D-CA, (202) 225-4176, (202) 225-5828 Melissa Hart, R-PA, (202) 225-2565, (202) 226-2274, melissa.hart@mail.house.gov Jeff Flake, R-AZ, (202) 225-2635, (202) 226-4386 ************************************************************************** Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues Send a blank message to: freematt@coil.com with the words subscribe FA on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week) Matthew Gaylor, (614) 313-5722 ICQ: 106212065 Archived at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fa/ **************************************************************************