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used in the Java API
, and how to exploit
matter--why to use them,
support in your own code.
more complex.
Most importantly,
design problems
so that you can spend
so you look to Design
of patterns with others
to learn how those
a design paddle pattern.
to do instead). You want
that you can hold your
Design Patterns, you'll avoid
brain in a way that sticks.
In a way that lets you put
the embarrassment of thinking
them to work immediately.
put you to sleep! We think
put you to sleep! We think
brain in a way that sticks.
Head First Design Patterns
deep understanding of why
the embarrassment of thinking
design problems
it struggling with academic
your brain works. Using
put you to sleep! We think
a design paddle pattern.
format designed for the way
design problems, and better
principles will help
the embarrassment of thinking
science, and learning theory,
in between sips of a martini.