Here's another good idea for a cypherpunks project: *don't* use the Eternity Server to post even more bomb-making instructions all over the Web and Usenet. You might remember I wrote recently about the DoJ report released this month that calls for new legislation to ban bomb-making info online. Now Feinstein's office tells me she's going to introduce a bill. No need to throw red meat to the hounds. (Hmmm. Looking back at my message, I'm essentially saying "censor yourself or the government will." Not sure I like that argument.) -Declan On Sun, 11 May 1997, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
By the way, here's a good idea for a cypherpunks project: use Adam's prototype eternity server to place some bomb-making instrctions all over the Web and Usenet.
Does anyone here know chemistry, besides Jim Bell, who's busy? Someone should update the Anarchist's Cookbook.
I bet the NCSA folks are kicking themselves for missing the opportunity to have Jim Bell speak at InfoWarCon 96 :-)