High rises taller than about about 70 stories for office buildings and 50 stories for housing are extremely dangerous. Buildings taller than that are constructed for vainglory, which is to say that architects, engineers, builders, banks and governments are delighted to participate in such insane follies to advance the notion that dense, wretched cities are supreme cultural achievements. The prime beneficiaires of this lucrative conceit do not spend a lot of time in the towering fire traps overlooking compacted cattle pens, but do assign staff there. As the weeping Gecko cries on TV, "I lost 600 of my cattle" at the top of WTC. Reasonable humans should not work or live in them. Cutting edge idiots should, but few do, especially their builders who know exactly what the hazard is, though they may put staff there for marketing the illusions of safety. Eiffel spent time in his tower to assure the skeptical public that it was safe. Making backers of dangerous high-rises live and work there 24x7 would be an excellent provision in the building and penal codes. However, no building, high or low, if not a bunker under a mountain, can be constructed to be bomb-proof. DoD said this yesterday in a damage assessment of the Pentagon. As with renovation there, blast-resistant features can diminish but not prevent damage. DoD mentioned in passing that a mylar-like material is installed on Pentagon windows, now with 2-inch thick glass, to combat electronic and acoustical eavesdropping. The press thought the sheets were part of the blast-resistance system and noted that it had not been installed on windows of the press room. DoD would surely not eavesdrop the press.