At 21:10 3/20/98 -0800, The Spectre (Or so he would have us believe) wrote:
The Spectre wrote:
I get bitched at by list members when I sign my messages.. :) If I have something important to say, I'll sign it.. same goes if people start faking them, so far no one has.
What I meant to say was, "if people start faking them without using spectre@dev.null as a return address so that only really lame fucks will be fooled by them."
-The Spectre (Or so I would have you believe...) [SP4 w/ Clam Cluster] -http://www.anthrax.net/cos "No man is clever enough to know all the evil he does." - La Rochefoucauld
Actually, I said what I meant to say. If someone fakes it to the list, then I'll see it now won't I, unless there is another attack or five happening at the same time to prevent me from getting my mail from the list, and from getting it anywhere else. If I saw it then I would post a signed message informing everyone that I *hadn't* posted it, and continue signing my mails until I felt it was safe to do otherwise. Don't feel you have to continue to illustrate your point though, even though investigation of the headers shows that the message actually originated from a mail server in canada.. I know you didn't do as much as you could have to make the message appear authentic. In any case, I don't see you signing your messages either. -The Spectre [SP4 w/ Clam Cluster] -http://www.anthrax.net/cos "No man is clever enough to know all the evil he does." - La Rochefoucauld