-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 2004-09-06T06:22:29-0700, Sarad AV wrote:
the election commision of india had a proposal to the govt. that the voter should be able to vote for 'none of the above'. Though one can predict that such a proposal will never be approved by the government, it makes a lot of sense. Is any other democratic country seriously thinking of implementing such an option?
If someone would vote for "none of the above" rather than write in his/her ideal candidate, that someone is a lazy oaf. Everyone who writes in a candidate is voting "none of the above." The 50% of the U.S. population which doesn't vote is also voting "none of the above" in a way. There's a difference in that some non-voters may slightly prefer one candidate over another, but _assuming that everyone has an ideal candidate_ they'd be willing to go to the polls for, not voting is the same as saying all the candidates are significantly less than the ideal. - -- "When in our age we hear these words: It will be judged by the result--then we know at once with whom we have the honor of speaking. Those who talk this way are a numerous type whom I shall designate under the common name of assistant professors." -- Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling (Wong tr.), III, 112 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFBPJbunH0ZJUVoUkMRAgGkAJ4k4tdjeAQ99GfccGpFWaxSNJlhHACgnjFp xvPFAlzIQeMLmRQ7/PfSZiE= =jcfW -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----