----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 3:04
Subject: CDR: The Electromagnetic
E-Bombs generate electromagnatic pulse which
destroys any and all electric current running in any particular area it is
detonated in. E-Bombs are a national threat and are being sold on the black
market for $400 to terrorists. For the place that is being hit, it wipes out
all electricity and is said to destroy all of the technological advances
within the past 200 years. Basically they generate a large magnetic pulse
(with a large coil of wire) which has a lot of current running through it.
Then the chemical inside explodes touching the coil of wire causing it to be a
moving short circut. When it hits, all current running through any metal or
electricity-using object is destroyed. Terrorists in the middle east along
with Iraq have been said to be researching this bomb for several years and
have become a large threat to the United States. I hope that answers your