STR$NG BUY ALERT ISSUED KEEP LITL.PK ON YOUR MONITORS, GET ON BEFORE THE PEAK! Forecast for June, 2006 Company L INTL COMPUTERS INC. Sym bol LITL.PK Current 0.55 +20% this week! Short Term 2.00 Str!ng Buy Recommendation * 200%+ PROFIT POTENTIAL RECENT NEWS HAS JUST BEEN RELEASED. YOU MUST READ NOW. L Introduces the worlds first desktop replacement laptop with a 20" Ultra-Speed High-Resolution Display! DON'T PASS UP THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SUCCEED IN THE MARKET. L International Computers Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiary, Liebermann Inc., a renowned manufacturer of high-performance computers and personal technology, today announced the Olympus 20", the world's first desktop replacement Professional notebook computer fitted with a 20" UltraSpeed High-Resolution Display. Founded in 2002, Liebermann Inc. produces, markets and distributes high-performance, opulent PC/Windows© laptop, desktop, workstation and server computers. The Company also produces the largest and most spectacular personal & professional computer displays and ultra-high performance software, peripherals and technologies. This pre ss release may contain for ward-looking stat ements which are pursuant to the safe ha rbor prov isions of the Priva te Sec urities Litigatio n Refo rm Act of 1995. Inve stors are cauti oned that actual results may differ ma terially and all forw ard-lo oking st atements inv olve risks and uncertainties including, without limitation, risks associ ated with the Company's financi al condition and prospects, risks associated with market accept ance and technological changes, risks associated with depe ndence on third pa rty soft ware provide rs, risks relating to internati onal operations, and risks associated wit h competition. How are you doing? Sorry it took so long for me to respond Sorry for the delay in my response