Sure. Don't go for the hard-headed containment structure, knock out the soft-shelled control facility which regulates cooling pumps. The reactor will do the rest just as effectively as planes weakened the towers so they would self-destruct. It is truely strange that the Pentagon was hit rather than the soft-shells downtown. Probably a feint or a blunder by a pilot nearly insane. Nuclear power plants are likely a feint as well, with so many soft-shells ready to eat -- refineries, airports, seaports, suspension bridges, most domestic military bases, universities, national labs, mega-malls, on and on, look around you where all the gov-terrified people bunch for safety in numbers. The experts here predict a mid-West target just to freak the true interior homeland which everyone believes they can retreat to. Draw a half dozen vectors connecting the publicized targets and see where they intersect. That point won't be far from Cheyenne Mountain, not the hardened bunker but its vulnerable support system -- most of which remains identifiable on the Net because it is not military or government, you know, the collaterals.