frissell@panix.com writes:
Circa 1974, I was sitting in my law school lounge watching "The Charge of the Light Brigade" starring Errol Flynn on TV. There was a group of other students there. Then came the line from the film: "Men, we're going to show these Turks that you can't murder innocent women and children and live to boast about it (a British garrison had been attacked, which led to the Charge). I immediately piped up, "That's funny, George McGovern did!"
I haven't seen the movie, but my recollection is that in real life the British were attacking the Russians. See, the Turks were killing Xians in the Balkans, and the Russians foolishly tried to protect them, and the British stepped in to protect the Turks. Maybe they changed it all in the movie version (can't expect U.S. moviegoers to follow 19th century politics). --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps