At 15:31 12.11.97 +0100, Anonymous wrote:
It has become very clear to me over the past few years that amerika is headed for some pretty rough times, and I've decided to leave before it becomes illegal for me to do so. The only question is, where to?
I would have suggested Germany, but it seems to fail the meet the critera on about 84% of the points. =:) When you find out where you're headed, let me know. I'll see you there. \!!/ ( o o ) +------ooO--(_)--Ooo-+---------------------------------------------------+ | .oooO | PGP5 Key Fingerprint: | | ( ) Oooo. | 1F59 CADC 951E ADAD 5EA5 9544 FCCE 8E30 4988 551E| | \ ( ( ) | "Ian.Sparkes@T-Online.de" "Ian.Sparkes@ac.com" | | \__) ) / | | | (__/ | Life empiricist and confused ethical hedonist | +--------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | I'm not your lawer, you're not my client. This is therefore not advice | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+