Sandy, not to disagree with you, but
Ants do not build cloud piercing towers of adamantine steel and glass, the mind of man does. YMMV.
this describes stolen jumbo-sized Stingers, dual-use at its best. No joke, the mind of man is a hyde and jekyl, at home and overseas. What I like about this list is the complicity it pushes in our pusses, all rouged with technology in the service of mankind being turned on its profiteers. No scientist, no engineer, no programmer, no snotty architect, is not faithfully mirrored in WTC targeting and collapse. Along with our masterpieces of exculpation: well, of course, had we known that it would have been different, or let us rebuild monumentally to deny our seeing more about ourselves in the rubble than bearable. Why not leave the rubble for the unburnished truth it tells? "The Bombed Buildings of Britain" was a best seller several decades ago. Ruins of structures in Britain, Germany and a host of wartorn countries have been stabilized and preserved to show a record of violence too often terribly misrepresented by orderly rows of white crosses, eternal flames and black Vs of 54,000 nyms. No doubt 8 blocks of stinking rotting rubble, stabbed with giant shards of WTC's savaged facade would be a bit too daring for sacred-cowed Manhattan.